Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A day without tv...ppfssshhh easy peasy!

Well, I decided to write about my first day of fasting from television today (which is technically day 2 now). I honestly went to bed on Sunday night feeling a little anxious about how much change omitting a simple TV would bring about in my day. Let's see here- I turn it on before I get out of bed and listen to the Today show as I get ready in the morning- I DVR shows throughout the day to watch with Dallas after work. I come home from school and turn the TV while I eat lunch and then keep it on for background noise while I study and do homework. Then I head to the gym where the TVs are on so that you can watch while you burn those calories and tighten those buns.

After that I return home where I turn on the upstairs and downstairs televisions so that I don't miss a thing while I'm doing housework and then I proceed to cooking dinner with the TV up just a little bit louder so it reaches the kitchen. You know- I've seen plenty of women in my day with small televisions in their kitchens. I suppose it just now has occurred to me how crazy this is... Do we need it that badly?? So, anyways- at this point Dallas and I sit down to enjoy our finely prepared dinner... in front of what? each other? no... the television. This thing is taking over my life and it's absurd!!! I've got to get away from this thing...

So- day one begins! I woke up and realized that today is day one of no television. It's my time for me and my God to connect and learn one another again- this made it pretty easy since I am PUMPED about building our relationship! I thought to myself, "what's a good way to worship the Lord this morning?" So, I opened my windows in my room and enjoyed the cool breeze blowing in and listened to the little birds chirping outside...

It was marvelous and I honestly enjoyed getting ready so much in the quiet. It was so peaceful and I actually felt like I wasn't consumed by anything. I enjoyed my coffee and listed to a little worship music and reflected on what these next 21 days would be to me... What a morning it was already turning into! By the way- Song of the day that I am currently in LOVE with- The Great I am... Check it out- it'll make your heart sing!

I then headed to school and had my usual morning chat with the Lord. Praying in my car is just something I've always done... I'm not sure if that's normal, but when have I ever claimed that title? So, I go to class- which is math- awesome... I manage to get through it and then I see the Meek blood bus sitting outside of my school. hmmmmm...I think I'll give blood today! I could save 3 lives on this day instead of trying to hurry home to catch my shows! YES!

Wow- that needle is huge. And now I have a bruise. Oh well, I was given the chance to help someone in need and that made it all worth it!

I was home by 12:00 and that's when it hit me... I'm about to be home with nothing to do for the next 7 hours. Quiet for 7 hours? What does that even feel like???
So, I had to do something- I took an hour out of my day hunting down a Sunday paper and I coupon clipped!

I clipped, I googled, I found deals, I learned gangster new ways to coupon- it was awesome! I'm set for my next trip to the store and I don't plan on handing them an arm and a leg this time!!

As for the rest of the evening, it was fantastic- Dallas came home and we really enjoyed the time that we got to spend together. We cooked a fabulous dinner together and enjoyed it at our rarely used dinner table and had wonderful conversation. We made plans for New York and we laughed and just hung out... Wow. It feels like dating again!!! :)
To top off a wonderful day, Dallas informed me that his old boss at FOX offered up a position for him. Can you believe it? We've been wanting for Dallas to be in a job where his hours are better, where he works for a good Christian man, where he feels happy and satisfied- and Voila! It's almost as if God said, "I'm glad you're wanting to know me more-here's you a little something in return..." Not that God owes us anything at all, but he is so giving and loving and cares what we're feeling. I'm confident He knew we'd be smiling from ear to ear. We did feel like we needed to pray on the topic before Dallas makes big decision like leaving his current job, so we prayed and listened and we're still waiting on a definite yes or no... Sometimes it feels like we're just kind of walking in the dark not knowing exactly where we'll end up, but I'm happy to do so knowing that God will always lead me in the right direction!

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